Saturday, November 15, 2008

Canadian Politics Make Me Yawn

There is nothing quite like elections in Canada.

On the 7th of September 2008, our beloved Prime Minister , Stephen Harper, has decided to dissolve the government, or dissolve the Parliament. Whatever they call it, man! I know they dissolved something! Anyway, and he set the date for October 14, 2008. Very systematic. Our elections had to be before the American one, or else these loyal beavers would be influenced to vote Liberal if Obama were to win (and he did).

Speaking of the US elections, the Republicans and Democrats have been campaigning, for nearly 2 years!!(if not more) leading to November 4th. To the point where Osama and McPain have become household names. To the point where poor people in the ghettos, people living under bridges, 106 year old grannies were so active and aware of the US Elections. Dare I add the numerous dogs that sported American flags and other political attire? Nah, I won’t.

Whereas the little guys to the North, have been campaigning for a grand total of 28-30 ENTIRE days. Can you believe that?

(Sidenote: The longest campaign was 74 days and that was back in 1926. )

Anyhow, I’ve literally come across several (more like scores and scores) of Canadians who were so clueless. On October 14 (The Big Election Night) people were more concerned about the Calgary vs. Colorado hockey game and the four other NHL games that were on that night. I seriously think that Canadian politics is messed up. Not only is it messed up, it’s also screwed up and twisted. Don’t get me wrong, I find it rather comical. It’s somewhat of a bedroom farce really.

A little brief synopsis of the federal political parties we have here:

The ones that are actually in Parliament Hill who bicker back and forth:

1. The Liberal Party of Canada ( these guys are centrists)

2. The Conservative Party of Canada ( the right-ists, offspring of Fox News)

3. New Democratic Party ( the leftists!) By the way, the leader of this party has been promising for the past couple of years that if he gets elected, he will shave OFF his mustache! Cute eh?

4. Bloc Québécois ( the separatists….Frenchies) The group that wants to ban the English language from Quebec. If they get their way and if they separate, they will hold hands with New York. LOL. How ironic is that? But if you think of it…in between Canada#1 and Canada#2 there will lie un petit Paris mini crazy France….amusing.

5. The Green Party (the tree huggers!…they got zero seats in Parliament this time so…umm..yeah)

On your actual electoral thingy, other parties you can vote for which are recognized by Elections Canada:

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) (founded in 1970)

First Peoples National Party of Canada (founded in 2005) - Aboriginal rights advocacy

Marijuana Party of Canada (founded in 2000) - pro-marijuana legalization LOOOL

Work Less Party (founded in 2007) - Labour rights

Christian Heritage Party of Canada (founded in 1987) - Social conservative

Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada (founded in 2005) - (founded in 2007) - Joke party. WTF??!!!!

Unregistered Active Parties That Could Potentially be Registered:

Absolutely Absurd Party

FemINist INitiative of Canada (founded 2005)

Parti citron (Lemon Party) Good Heavens!! Do they advocate free lemonade for all???!

Sex Party (founded 2005)

National Alliance for a Higher Minimum Wage (I would totally vote for them!)

You know I’m just going to end the list here (oh yes there are more!). I’m embarrassed for these imbeciles!

However, the neat thing about this supposed “democratic” way of life is that I can create my own party “The Complicated Lexicality Party of Canada”, gather a few supporters, go to Elections Canada, make my case and voila! Before you know it I can be registered and I can campaign and like omg, I can….Oh how exciting is this?!

I have a vision, my friends, that I, Lexicala Complicata, could indeed be the Prime Minister of Canada. Ok, maybe that’s too much, I’ll start slow with mayor of my city and then I can become a Member of the Legislative Assembly and then Member of Parliament and before you know it “TCLPC” will be known all over the world. Yeah right! Oh, well it doesn’t hurt to dream.

Anyway, to make a long story short, the Conservatives won, another MINORITY government, meaning they have less than 50% of the seats. Thus, the ruling government must work with the opposition parties to ensure a functioning government. The whole point of the elections was to win majority….A billion dollars went down the drain. That’s politics for you. A successful politician is he who promises more and more crap, spends billions of dollars on those non-existent promises, and delivers absolutely nothing.

But hey! "As long as people are willing to accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it." (Not my quote, I read it from somewhere and it also serves as my facebook status)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When a Lawyer Defines Your Rear

We all know that lawyers like to make our lives as miserable as they can make it with the use of all their complicated lexicality....So I would like to share this piece with you....Pay good attention to the definition of our "seat"

Perhaps the best way to sound like a lawyer is to throw in as much legal vocabulary as possible. There are literally thousands of technical terms from which to choose. Words of Latin and French origin are particularly impressive. No one will doubt that you are a real member of the bar if you can convincingly bandy about phrases like expunging a lis pendens or quashing a subpoena duces tecum.

Lawyers may also have strategic reasons for favoring legalese and the obscurity it engenders. For instance, an outfit that rents hang gliders to the public may be legally obligated to warn of the dangers of the sport, but at the same time would not want to discourage potential customers. Or a department store might wish to give out credit on one-sided or even oppressive terms, but might fear that consumers would balk if they realized the truth. Convoluted and incomprehensible legalese is the obvious solution.

Perhaps a more legitimate justification for the longwindedness of the profession derives from its adversarial nature. Virtually any legal document is liable, at some point in its existence, to be picked apart by an opponent eager to exploit a loophole or ambiguity in hopes of wiggling out of an agreement or contesting a will. Legislation is no exception; almost any statute will be subjected to intense scrutiny by lawyers trying to poke holes in it on behalf of their clients. Those who draft such documents must anticipate these attacks. Therefore, they obsessively try to cover every base, plug every loophole, and deal with every remotely possible contingency. The result is ever longer, denser, and more complicated prose.

"Covering all the bases" is no doubt the explanation for a highly contorted definition of buttocks in a Florida ordinance aimed at reducing the amount of exposed flesh in public places. To require dancers to cover their buttocks, without more, would only invite them to skirt the rule by wearing the skimpiest covering possible. The county thus deemed it prudent to define buttocks as precisely as it could:
the area at the rear of the human body (sometimes referred to as the gluteus maximus) which lies between two imaginary lines running parallel to the ground when a person is standing, the first or top of such lines being one-half inch below the top of the vertical cleavage of the nates (i.e., the prominence formed by the muscles running from the back of the hip to the back of the leg) and the second or bottom line being one-half inch above the lowest point of the curvature of the fleshy protuberance (sometimes referred to as the gluteal fold), and between two imaginary lines, one on each side of the body ...
The basic intent of the drafters is clear. The result is far from it.

??What If I Never Wake Up??

This is one of my writings, it is original, i promise you that.

I woke up today

Not knowing whether I would see the sun set

I woke up today

Promising myself the Lord I will not forget.

How many people have woken up yesterday….

….with the biggest smile on their face?

How many people woke up yesterday….

….and ended up losing the race?

These people had many plans…great plans,

Futuristic plans, detailed plans

But the plans were all missing something….

A solid guarantee.

So busy is man that he does not take into account one fact.

A fact whereupon the consensus is uniform.

A fact whereupon the pens have been lifted, the pages dried.

The unanimous fact that he is a weak mortal.

Blame him not, for life has been exoticized.

He has been bestowed upon with blessings he can’t count, can’t keep track of.

Distractions are abundant.

He has been made to believe that he owns this Earth and that it is his final abode.

He is so busy chasing it. Chasing life.

Well guess what? You will be so exhausted, and life will win.

You lose and die.

When he has several minutes to spare…he wires himself.

When he has several hours…he sits and stares.

Several days….navigates about aimlessly.

This is what he calls killing time.

When he no longer has free time…routine begins.

Eat, Work, School, Play, Mate, Study and Sleep.

Day-in and day-out.

That is a brief synopsis of his life.

So what distinguishes him from an animal?

Some people are astray…truly in need of guidance.

Some people??! That is injustice.

Let’s say…many people are astray.

They are lost.

To the naked eye they might seem sane.

Don’t be fooled. Looks are deceiving.

Underneath that envious image of “wow!” and “Oh My God!” lies a sea of nothing.

Never judge a person by their exterior shell.

Yes, you may think that they have everything.

They appear to be well-rounded.

But approach one of them and discover the emptiness they feel.

You will be surprised.

Everyday is a struggle.

Either against oneself or others.

It is called Jihad. (No weapons involved…Stop being brainwashed).

They are striving to attain the best of this world.


Good news….they get it all.

Bad news….aka reality…They are not satisfied, and they are void of happiness.

Why? Because the purpose of life has been overlooked.

Do you truly believe that you have been created to just live and die?

And then your children become old and they die too?

What a futile cycle!

Do you honestly think that a creation as complex as the human just happened by mere chance?

Are you the result of a mind-boggling coincidence?

Poor thing! Man is worth pitying indeed.

Doesn’t even have time to stop and think.

Doesn’t have a second to ponder over his very existence.

Think! What a time consuming activity!

Every minute of his time is occupied.

He is running back and forth, to and from….

And his clock is ticking.

The battery may run out soon.

Sooner than he expects.

He is unaware or chooses to ignore it.

Wealth? Check!

Health? Check!

Lack of grey hair? Check!

And those are the factors in which his security is based on.

Accounts are opened for unborn children.

Everyday in the calendar, this year and next, is marked.

From upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, and exams,

To visits, travels, businesses, dates and meetings.

Each is assigned to a specific day.

He still plans.

As if he will live to see those days.

As if he has a guarantee.

Note that he thinks he will live forever, or until he grows old and fragile.

Just like his forefathers assumed.

Nay! He is mistaken!

His life is like Vancouver weather


Tomorrow may be partly cloudy

Perhaps a chance of showers

And even a late afternoon sunny break.

Bottom line is he doesn’t know……..

He says tomorrow as if he is 100% sure.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

Don’t worry; I’ll give it to you tomorrow.

The party is tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

Just shutp and think for a minute!

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

Adam said he’ll meet me tomorrow and his soul was taken away before tomorrow even came.

Tomorrow betrayed him!

Sarah promised that she would say sorry to her mom…......tomorrow.

Her mother never came home.

Mohammad said he would repent tomorrow.

He didn’t know he would be struck by lightning.

It is too late to lament now. The chance is gone.

This minute will never come by you again.

Did you make a binding pact with “tomorrow”?

Did you pay “tomorrow” so it can always be there for you?

That’s what I thought. Your answer is no. It must be no.

Let’s think of it this way….

Will the sun rise tomorrow….guaranteed?

Yes, it’s been rising since life began, but who knows?

What if it does not? They tell us to be open-minded.

I mean, after all, this is life......

......And shit happens…Guaranteed.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Randomated Randomness

The creation of this blog just happened and hopefully it will grow out of its peculiar randomness...sooooon